Research and Translation

The Business of Survival
Climate change and the energy transition

Climate change is a global phenomenon, and so is the emerging hydrogen economy. Therefore issues of the energy transition (ET) have to be considered and treated at a global level.

It is also true that Germany is rather badly positioned for this new stage of the energy transition, since the country is not endowed with rich resources instead it is highly dependent on countries that have them in abundance.

In the quest for new energy partners, Germany will increasingly more often be grappling with the nettle of undesired political and social consequences in partner countries than in earlier stages of the energy transition.

With our services IRTS – Thomas Schickling wants to offer its support in this process and this

in two main sections

  • Regional studies, application of social science theories
  • Education/ training and specialist translations

Global issues in a global context
Regional studies, application of social science theories and the energy transition

Our services in

  • Global and local issues of the energy transition (ET) at a global context

What is needed:

Germany‘s quest for new energy partners in the new energy world

  • Society, politics & energy transition
    • Support in the search for energy partner countries
    • Research related to the future energy mix
    • New markets: government, society & ET
    • Energy futures; future energy mix
  • Social sciences in energy transition & sustainability

What is needed:

Conflict resolution on the basis of sociological theories

  • Theoretical basics: qualitative (social) research, environmental sociology
    • Sociological concepts & theories, and their practical application

Based on 30 years of learning in

  • social sciences, history (including studies at the EHESS – Paris)
    • France, as our next stranger, lends itself for contrastive system comparisons

Education / training and specialist translation

In times of massive and abrupt change – transformation still seems a long way off – learning takes centre stage. This is true in both fields of our activities: education & training and professional translation.
I look back on 30 years of successful practical teaching in Paris, UK and Germany and 15 years of specialist translations.

  • Research & translation services for the emerging hydrogen economy

What is needed:

Means / tools to become faster operational in hitherto unfamiliar fields

  • (innovative) technology translations such as sector coupling
  • academic & essay writing, study notes,
  • (post)editing & expert revision
  • Education & training

What is needed:

Digital learning: What comes first didactics or technology?

  • International dual vocational education and training (DVET)
  • digital education & learning in development cooperation
  • digital learning and new forms of tuition
  • digital learning systems in emerging economies
  • recognition of qualifications; recognition of prior learning
  • didactics: e.g. technology-induced learning

Today we are facing daunting challenges. Time is short (Paris Agreement). There is a stark choice to be made between business as usual or daring to get off the beaten tracks.

It is…

The business of survival

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